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1 Translation result for to be silent in Spanish


silent adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
callado; silencioso; mudo

Example sentences of
silent adjective

  • She was silent for a few minutes as she thought about how to answer him.
  • The crowd fell silent as the horrible news was read aloud.
  • My father was a very silent man.
  • He was the strong, silent type.
  • He said he would call me, but the phone was silent all day.
  • A long, silent pause followed her reply.

Synonyms of
silent adjective

Detailed synonyms for silent adjective

1. Silent, taciturn, reticent, reserved significan que demuestra restricción en el habla.
  • Silent indica una costumbre de no decir más de lo que es necesario <her husband was the silent type>.
    antonyms: talkative
  • Taciturn indica una indisposición natural a hablar, y suele connotar la insociabilidad <the local people are usually taciturn around strangers>.
    antonyms: garrulous
  • Reticent indica una renuencia a expresar uno sus opiniones o a hablar con detenimiento, especialmente de asuntos personales <he was oddly reticent about his plans>.
    antonyms: frank
  • Reserved indica reticencia, y connota la influencia moderadora de la precaución o la formalidad sobre las interacciones cómodas e informales <she was as talkative as her husband was reserved>.
    antonyms: effusive
2. See: Still

Reverse translation for to be silent

callado  - quiet, silent 
silencioso  - silent, quiet 
mudo  - silent, mute, dumb 
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